Monday, June 7, 2010


I feel like I JUST posted in this - time has flown! I hit the road in 6 days! I am no where near packed - I'm still in the organizing my disaster of a room phase. It'll get done, though I realized all the errands I have to run now.

They changed my apartment complex, but it is a hop skip and a jump away from where I was previously living, and thus a hop skip and a jump away from my old CP friends =). The place seems really nice!! I get my own washer and dryer - yay no more paying for laundry!!

I got a call from my coach again and she is trying to go through the procedures so that I can attend a premiere party with Merchandise Finance for Toy Story 3 - SO COOL!! I'm starting to get insanely excited, though nerves are still there.

I decided if I end up hating this, I'm just going to start heavily training for the Festival of the Lion King show.

Aaaahhh savenya....

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