Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pat on the Back

Let me just say - I am proud how often I have updated this. I'm patting myself on the back haha much improvement from my college program days haha.

My busy calendar mildly fell apart this week, but that's ok. I went to my first promotions meeting and met with Amy who is the go to person for all promotions and that was awesome. She was really chill, a nice welcoming vibe. My promotions analysis meeting got pushed to next week.

I had my first meeting with my Finance Fundamentals team and it was very productive. We have to prepare a budget for year 2 for a restaurant and figure out why it didn't bring in as much cash as expected. We discussed the numbers and developed a pretty awesome theme, which I will not reveal.

Our second class in Finance Fundamentals was on financial reporting, so naturally I really enjoyed it, others not so much. The next day we had a class on Excel which was very helpful.

Friday was a busy day for me! I met with someone on my team and discussed how to work on a budget. Then I had a brownbag lunch with some executives and then back to work on my budget. I'm pretty excited about this - it's the real deal ya know?

Next week is forecast week so everyone is going to be in a tizzy. I'm working a longer day tomorrow - I want to get in early to sign up for the cast choir in the candlelight processional but then I have a meeting until 5.

I hung out with some of the other finance interns on Friday - that was nice. To see everyone out of the working world with their game face on haha. I started going to the dance studio I found that has adult classes and it's awesome. The guy that runs it choreographs professionally and used to work for Disney! It's a lot of fun.

I've had a pretty chill weekend, tonight I'm making Mamma Mia Meatloaf. I know - you're jealous. =P

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