Sunday, August 31, 2008

Japan Day 7/Post Trip Reflection

We woke up really early since it took 2 hours to get to the airport. So my last day in Japan was all travel.

The trip was pretty amazing. When anyone asks me "How was Japan?" I can only respond with, it was crazy. It's hard to believe that I actually went. I'm definitely more cultured now - I forced myself out of my little box where I only eat American food. Mike had a big part in forcing me out of my comfort zone. The trip was also satisfying in that I worked for it. I paid for everything myself - no help from mom and dad. Sure, it ate away at almost all of my internship money (this trip + the Disney adventure took most of my earnings haha) but it was worth it.

I'm inspired to travel to Italy (I love Italian food) and Australia. Who knows what's next for my travels :)

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