Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Earning My Ears

I added a couple pics to my last entry since I ran out of time when I wrote it.

Sunday I had my first day at Mickey's Pantry. It wasn't until 3:30 so I spent the day taking pictures of my room and unloading all the ones I had taken haha. There is only one other new CPer (Stephanie) in my store which is kinda sad, but at least I'm not alone! We went over the basics a bunch, which is basically be nice - go above and beyond. We got our pin lanyards - yeah, I get to trade pins!!!! Our trainer, Peggy - who was so sweet, gave us a brief overview of the store and some helpful hints. After some e-Learning we had our break. I'm definitely going to eat a full meal before shifts or run to McDonald's haha the sandwiches in the vending machines, not so good - the chicken parmesan sauce tasted a bit like salsa =P

After our break, Peggy sent Stephanie and I out on the floor. I was a bit nervous, but I had a couple conversations. It's rough though because most people don't want to talk to you. They say hi and immediately look away, it kinda hurts haha like why don't you wanna talk to me! It got easier, and I handed out some stickers to kids, I know - I interacted with kids! Crazy!!

We met with one of the coordinators who went over more basics and do's and don'ts. After our run through with Ashly, we met back up with Peggy who went over the hand dandy merchantainment guide and did some scenarios with us on where to find stuff in Downtown Disney. We're going to study out maps haha. 6 hours had passed and it was time to go home!

I utilized our balcony that night for a phone call, it seriously is perfect for them. After a nice chat with one of my roomies, I headed to bed since I had 8am class over at Disney University. I learned I really can't drink caffeine after 4 or 5 because I didn't fall asleep until almost 1 and naturally woke up at 4:15. I loaded up on the coffee for my class.

I caught the early bus because I wasn't sure how traffic would be, so I got to Disney U an hour early. I wasn't the only one though, so we all chatted a bit. The class was Merchantainment where we learned a bit about the registers and all that jazz. We had great teachers who made it pretty entertaining. We got an hour for lunch and then more e-learning. Stephanie and I got done an hour early (woo!) so I headed back to the apartment to hear the game plan.

After I slipped into a coma for an hour, I ventured out into the living room where we changed our go to Epcot plan to a go to the movies/Downtown Disney plan. We saw Bride Wars which was cute and then headed to Ghiradelli to get ice cream for dinner, but changed our minds and went to the new T-Rex restaurant since there wasn't a line! We sat in the ice room which was pretty awesome. They had meteor showers every 30 minutes or so too - it's like Rainforest Cafe, just with dinosaurs. We had a good time with our waiter Chris. He needed our IDs so we could get our discount - he wore them the entire time we were there haha. It was a really fun evening. It's hard to believe I've been here less than a week - it feels so much longer, especially with how close I feel to all of my roommates.

Today I have my first day of on the job training - I'm a little nervous, but I just need to remember that they don't expect me to know EVERYTHING. I have my last day of training tomorrow night, then I guess I'm set free. It kinda sucks because the rest of my roomies work during the day, and I start tonight at 6. Lame! Oh well, I have Thursday and Friday off so hopefully I can get a park in there somewhere =P

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