Sunday, January 11, 2009

Training, Training and More Training

Friday morning was Traditions. 5 out of 6 of us in our apartment had the early session, so we had to catch the bus at 6:55am. Traditions is a 4 hour long class about the past, present and future. I really enjoyed the first hour and a half. We had an overview of the company, sure I knew most of it already but it was still really interesting. The next hour or so was all legal information. I'm aware I can't steal and give out private information so this was a drag - I was ready to nap. After that we were told no sexual harassment is tolerated and more about what the company does and what is expected of us as cast members.

Success = Faith + Trust + Pixie Dust.

Traditions was awesome because we got our name tags!! YAY!! We also got our company ID, we are officially cast members.

After Traditions, the 5 of us ran back to the apartment, stuffed our faces for a good 15 minutes, changed and then made our way to Magic Kingdom. We saw the castle, which I took a million pictures of. We headed to Jungle Cruise, then Pirates of the Caribbean and Haunted Mansion. We went through all the shops to scope out what we want to use our discount on.

We had a little extra time to kill until Janet was done her Traditions, so we waited in line for Space Mountain since it's closing for renovations in a couple months. We decided to head back to the apartment to eat and crash since our early wake up time was catching up to us. We went backstage to catch the bus home - it was sooo crazy. We probed a CP who had been here since the fall and learned some helpful tips. We inhaled food yet again and then we all were asleep by 10:00pm.

The next morning I had my first day over at Downtown Disney. I took the uber early bus,and luckily I did! A group of us got off at what said Casting thinking it was the Cast Services building. Nope! So we caught the later bus to where we were supposed to go, oopsy! We had an information session about Downtown Disney, and then a walking tour. Then we had some safety training, got our schedules and costumes! I don't have anything too wild and crazy =\ Oh well.

When I got back, again I inhaled food and caught up on my TV before the rest of my roommates came back. We headed over to Downtown Disney where I saw my workplace in full action! After a Wal Mart run, we came back, made ourselves some dinner and again headed early to bed. It's not all fun and games down here! Don't get me wrong, the weather is great, my roommates are fabulous - but we're all tired! More to come!

1 comment:

Average Joe's Handgun Reviews said...

The duck doesn't wear any pants, but their tellin' you not to sexually harass anyone.