Thursday, January 15, 2009


Tuesday night was day 1 of on the job training over at the pantry. I spent the day chillin out to see how much energy I would need for my 6pm-12am shift. I met my new trainer Ronda and she talked me through tons of stuff. The 6 hours went by pretty fast, and Ashly - my darling bedroommie came and met me at the pantry to walk me to the bus! She is a doll!

Wednesday morning I headed over to the Magic Kingdom to do some shopping. I headed over to pirates first to see if I could find Alexa working, but no luck =\ I spent some money in their gift shop then headed back to the Emporium to spend some serious dough so I could get the blanket they were offering/I had been thinking about for 5 days haha. Mission accomplished.

I decided to get a little treat since all the shopping made me parched. I sat on the side of Main Street and enjoyed my coke float. While sitting there I ran into the Mayor and had a nice little chat with him. I decided to venture back to my room so I could take a little nappy. On my way out I ran into Pinocchio. While waiting to hang out with Pico, I saw Mary Poppins and one of the penguins! Too bad they had to go before I could say hi. Then I said hello to Daisy and then scampered away.

Wednesady night was my last night of training with Ronda who is so incredibly sweet. She told me over and over that I'd be great, it was nice support! I got a 92% on the exam, so I'm officially out of training =D

Today I had off and I spent most of it doing nothing. I went to Wal Mart and did laundry and then just chilled. Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom!

1 comment:

Liz said...

The weather looks beautiful there. I'm going skiing tomorrow and it is going to be freezing. Actually below freezing, i think like 19 degrees. I'm sure by the end of the day I'm going to be wishing for sunny FL.